In addition to the Maine Coons and Turkish Angoras who occupy our lives, we have shown and titled alters of other breeds, as well as household pets. (We recommend this as a great way to get acquainted with cat showing!) Some of the cats listed below still live with us; most don't, but they are all fond memories. We hope you enjoy this walk through our show career.
GP Ambar's Arnold Beckoff is our first
Ambar-bred Turkish Angora grand, a handsome black and white neuter.
Arnold is sired by GC Ashmanor Ditto Head, and out of CH Silverlock's Torch Song of Ambar. Like his
six-pound mother, he believes his proper place is on my shoulders.
Unfortunately for me, he weighs a touch more than six pounds. Arnold
granded in September 2000. This picture was taken in April 2000,
showing Arnold at eight months. It doesn't do him justice, but very
little does -- Arnold is a big personality.
The first
Ambar-bred Grand Premier: GP Ambar's
Sunwheel Dance, a red classic tabby and white Maine Coon neuter, owned
and spoiled by Cynthia Cotton -- who takes him jogging! "Snickers" is
sired by GC,GP,RW Yanikat Sunny Beau, DM, out
of CH,PR Kanab's Luanne's Dorable of Ambar.
"Snickers" got an unexpected compliment recently, being named fourth
best longhair premier in the FBRL Virtual Cat
Show. That's his rosette... go and check out the competition, and
make plans to enter your cat next year!
GP/GCA Ambar Dancing In The Dragon's Jaws
is our second Ambar-bred grand, a handsome red classic tabby Maine Coon
neuter known as "Sancho" to his family. He is the baby of the family,
and this charming photograph
proves it. Jawsie is sired by CH Mcinkats
Red Dragon of Ambar, out of CH Ambar's
Fire Lake.
GC,GP/GRC Coonyham Sassafras of Ambar was
bred by Laura and Sharon Cunningham of Coonyham, and holds the dual
distinctions of being the first Coonyham female to grand in CFA, and
being the first cat of ours to grand in championship. Sass, a blue
classic tabby and white female Maine Coon, is a Grand Champion in both
TICA and CFA, and a Grand Premier in CFA. Sass is sired by GC/GRC/SGC,IW
Coonyham Sundance, OS, out of Coonyham
Rhiannon. Sass is the imperious empress of the house, but generally
confines her rule to asserting sole ownership of the highest shelf of
the scratching posts.
GP Ambar Astronaut is our third
Ambar-bred grand, a red classic tabby Maine Coon neuter. "Astro" is Wendy's littermate, sired by GC/GRC/SGC,IW
Coonyham Sundance, OS, out of CH,PR Kanab's Luanne's
Dorable of Ambar. He was originally intended to be sold as a pet,
but decided that he was Erik's
cat and wasn't going home with anyone else!
As a young kitten, he was half the size of any of his littermates (including his sister), and so for about the first six weeks, he was called 'I don't think he's gonna make it'. After he made it clear that quitting early was not in his game plan, his name for a while was 'Spare Maine Coon Parts', because no two pieces seemed to belong to the same cat! By the seven-month mark, he'd decided to sprout some hair and generally come together. At a year and two months, his growth hasn't slowed down a bit. I suspect he got his sire's size, and I KNOW he got his dam's haughtiness.
Maine Coons will always be my favorite breed. But I've acquired a weird fondness for sitting at the dining room table with Roadie, aiming two desk lamps at him to augment the weak overhead lights, and combing away. Shh! Don't tell, or they'll throw me out of the Maine Coon union.
Roadie earned his Grand Premier title at the Santa Clara Valley Cat Fanciers show on 2 November, 1997.
He made time to star as the "centerfold cat" for Cat Fancy Magazine's most
recent article on the Turkish Angora. He also serves as the model in
their online
breed profile.
Valentino was also honored with the award of sixth best longhair
premier in the FBRL
Virtual Cat Show.
Rem earned the title of Grand Premier
26 March 1995 at the San Francisco Revelers, Inc., CFA show in San
Mateo, CA. He was bred by Kathryn & James Daugherty.
The photograph shows Rem at four months, and is
Copyright 1994 by Carl Widmer.
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