<html> <head> <title>Carl Weather's Penne a la Vodka</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <h1><a href="../../"> <img src="/icons/buttons/home.gif" alt="Josh"></a> <a href="../../play/"> <img src="/icons/buttons/fun.gif" alt="Play"></a> <a href="../"> <img src="/icons/buttons/cardfile.gif" alt="Recipes"></a> <a href="index.html"> <img src="/icons/buttons/entree.gif" alt="Entree"></a> Carl Weather's Penne a la Vodka</h1> <!--#include virtual="../common/vodka-penne.html"--> <br> <br> <a href="index.html"> <img src="/icons/buttons/entree.gif" height=20 width=20> Back to my entree pages</a> <br> <a href="../"> <img src="/icons/buttons/cardfile.gif" height=20 width=20> Back to my recipe pages</a> <br> <a href="../../play/"> <img src="/icons/buttons/fun.gif" height=20 width=20> Back to my fun pages</a> <br> <a href="../../"> <img src="/icons/buttons/home-blue.gif" height=20 width=20> Back to my home page</a> </body> <address> <hr> Last update Dec29/19 by <a href="mailto:jss@clock.org">Josh Simon (<jss@clock.org>)</a>. </address> </html>