Mineralesque Shrimp
Mack Therber
<macktherber@hotmail.com> posted the following recipe to
soc.motss in August 2001.
- 1 lb. deveined shrimp
- 1 lemon
- 1 orange
- 1 onion, finely chopped
- 2 large tomatos, roughly chopped
- 1/3 cup fine olive oil
- 2-4 medium cloves of garlic, pressed
- 1/8 teaspoon finely ground cayenne pepper
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- Course salt and fresh ground pepper to taste
This is a quick cook, so get your ingredients together before
you start.
- In a 12" non-stick skillet, pour olive oil and heat on high
until a thin smoke starts to rise.
- Throw in onions and garlic and a minute later tomatos.
- Cut lemon and orange in half and with a citrus reamer, ream
them but good.
- Strain juice through seive and add to skillet.
- Add the rest of the ingredients, including shrimp, continuing
to cook on high for about 2 minutes.
- Throw in a teaspoon of lemon zest and reduce to simmer for
2 more minutes.
You'll think you had died and gone to San Francisco.
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