See the Bug and Feature
Tracking System (commonly known as "BugWif") for detailed
descriptions of the fixed and known bugs.
Versions 2.1b (September 7, 2001) and 2.1c (October 4, 2001) were
maintenance releases correcting typos and formatting errors in the
documentation and the cascading style sheets. No actual bugs were
fixed in these maintenance releases.
3618--Home page should link to Upload script |
3619--Home page should link to Templates directory |
3620--Rearrange/reorder home page links |
3632--Make bullet list a table (reformat) |
3634--(Partial) Integrate more with
documentation |
3635--Separate online help into smaller files |
3644--Include version number in footer |
3648--Send email to repo admin on
adds/updates/deletes |
3723--Help file BugWif is bad |
3724--Need better in-Help navigation (keywords) |
3524--Bad date format causes Add to fail |
3526--Can delete LOCKED records |
3527--Can delete FROZEN records |
3528--Translating chars in non-CT author names |
3529--TITLE tags not unique |
3530--No user docs |
3531--No admin docs |
3532--No authorization granularity |
3534--No link to CI |
3535--No "?" icon on Keywords for Add or Search |
3536--Can't search for docs in no practice |
3538--Sort-by breaks on subsequent criteria |
3539--Adding new docs w/o class/subclass fails
(ORA-01400) |
3540--Bad icon for Edit confirmation screen |
3541--Can't null out Practice on Edit |
3542--Weird practice behavior on Edit/Update |
3544--No default author sort key |
3545--Can add document without description |
3546--Can add document without URL |
3547--Can add document without Revision |
3548--Can add document without Keywords |
3550--Link to "documentation" goes nowhere |
3555--Can't search by URL component (is... or
isn't...) |
3556--Add "M" for MIP to Practices |
3558--Home page "Help" link is to doc/ not
doc/help.html |
3559--Can't add "New/Modified" status docs |
3564--Author field is space sensitive |
3565--Multiple practices selected |
3566--Status field in bold |
3575--Search by Practice omits docs in multiple
practices |
3583--URL doesn't accept non-HTTP[S] protocols |
3585--Document notes entry fails |
3589--Can't update/edit record |
3590--Submit buttons lose SSL status |
3596--Missing word in text |
3597--Stats page should link to preselected searches |
3598--UG Cp4 should mention search results |
3600--Probem updating Notes field |
3612--Add Repository links |
3616--Subclass T=Transition, not T=Training |
3617--Broken link to document in Browse list |
3651--Clinking up documents with no URL bring up Repo
home |
3682--What happened to new doc templates? |
Note that these known design issues may not be fixed in the
repository (2.x) but postponed until the long-term solution
(3.x) is implemented.
There is no record-level authorization permission
structure. |
There is no type-dependent information (e.g., publisher for
books and magazines, magazine title and issue/volume/number
for articles and columns, etc.)
Workaround: Use the Notes field. |
There are no command line interfaces for creating new documents
& templates, updating existing documents & templates,
searching for documents & templates, administering the database,
and converting a document from one format to another. |
There is no a file system-like interface for browsing (for
There are no tools to convert between the back-end format
(XML?) and the desired front-end formats (HTML, PDF, RTF,
TXT, etc.); for example, xml2html and xml2pdf and pdf2xml and
html2xml. |
There is no tool to check out (and lock) a document for
Workaround: Freeze the document by editing it to make
the Locked bit set, then work with the Repository Librarians to
replace it when your changes are completed. |
There is no interface to the public Internet web site (so
non-CT personnel can search for PUBLIC documents). |
There is no interface for people to suggest changes to
documents they do not own.
Workaround: Send email to the Repository Librarians. |
There is no document-level security so users can see document
records (including the URLs) for documents the web may not let
them access. |
There is no way to "group" documents. |
There is no way to "group" permissions. |
Documents cannot include or supercede each other. Updating
data in one place does NOT update it everywhere (unless the URLs
reference or include each other, a la SHTML). |
If a URL changes the document record is not automatically
updated. |
Document numbers (CSnnnnnn-vvv) are not tracked or
Workaround: Contact the Repository Librarians
to obtain one or more document numbers. |
A document can be broken off from a reference so changes to
that reference no longer are applied to the document. |
There is no automated way to build custom queries.
Workaround: If you know the document schema (as
documented in Chapter 3, "Database
Structure," of the Administrators'
Guide) you can build an HTML query string (such as
"...index.cgi?action=search&var=val..."), but this
is nontrivial. |
There is no automated way to save or load complex queries;
they must be recreated each time.
Workaround: If you bookmarked (saved) a complex query
as in the preceding bullet you can load it again from your
bookmarks. |
Documentation process flow (creation, modification, deletion;
permissions, change control, state changes; and so on) is not
enforced at this time. |