Hot & Sour Soup
- 3-4 cups clarified chicken stock
- 0.5 block of tofu, cut into 0.5-inch cubes
- 16 shrimp (4 per person)
- 2 oz. crab flaked
- 2-3 sliced mushroms
- 1 tbsp. chili oil
- 1 tsp sesame oil
- 1 tbsp or more, cider vinegar or rice vinegar
- 1 egg
- 0.25 tsp cornstarch
- green onion
- Boil the stock.
- Add meat and tofu; simmer until hot.
- Add the oils and bring to a boil.
- Turn down the heat to a simmer.
- Add the mushrooms and simmer until heated through.
- Add the egg, whisking with a fork to strand it.
- Add cornstarch to thicken.
- Add vinegar and top with green onion.
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Last update Dec29/19 by Josh Simon