I was there near the start. We eventually had 12 people over
the course of the 90 minutes or so I was there. I had fun
catching up (and meeting Max's new boyfriend Patrick), and
it seemed like others did too. Discussion topics (as I wrote
them down, but not necessarily in chronological order)
- Greetings, salutations, and introductions
- Publications and rights
- Wikipedia pages and editing things
- Advocate, Bay Area Reporter, and Gay
Community News
- Zoom issues
- K-pop (history, recruitment, etc.)
- Music genres
- Pornography genres
- Mormon missionaries
- Religious wackiness
- Pets (especially Freddie Mercury)
- Weather (temperature and precipitation)
- Hand and power tools (and our dearth of lesbians), and
whether it makes sense to buy a cheap tool first or to
collect several
- Old Usenet history (soc.motss, and its predecessor and
sibling groups)
- Google no longer keeping Usenet postings
- Interesting people from motss history
- Divisive politics and polarization
- Communities and geographies
- Racism (and hidden versus public) and culture
- Interstates, moving, and taking cultural attitudes with you
- Snowbirds' new destinations
- Safety of retiring moving to the southern US (and where might
be positive or healthy: GA, NC, SC, vs. FL)
- Safety of becoming an ex-pat (like Columbia)... and
what other languages you may know
- motss.cons
- Weather (especially snow)
- Pictures and videos (what's viewable or restorable)
- Whether motss.cons will still exist (January CFP) and
bids... and whose responsibility it is to run the process
- Transcontintneal flights, long-distance walking, and
- Looksism
- Subway timing
- Age, exercise, and how transportation affects that
- Plants (and an early-blooming amaryllis)
- Decorative knives and scrimshaw
- Ambergris
- Composting as a public benefit
- Recycling (especially whether plastic recycling is a
- Climate change
