- Work and payment
- Post-LASIK and health in general
- Raising chickens
- Weather
- Clocks changing, time zones, geography, etc.
- COVID boosters, travel, masking, mandates, other
- Medicalerts, smart assistants, smart homes, and gaming
the system
- Electronic trust, automatic software updates,
unauthenticated authorization
- Software and hardware obsolescence (buy new to keep
- Considering another in-person motss.con (when to CFP;
maybe fall 22, maybe 23)
- Where and when to travel once it's safe and whether
BA.2 will prevent things
- Aging, geriatrics, dementia, end of life care, and
- "Making my emergency your emergency"
- Politics, union busting tactics our employers are
trying, public housing, real estate taxes and subsidies
- Policing, retaliation, funding, accountability, and
- Civil war and Trumpism
Social media breaks for mental health, snoozing people,
filtering out things leaving only Wordle
