Not Quite a motss.con v (via Zoom)
On Friday, December 31, 2021, the soc.motss.con bunch had another Zoom
call for the New year's Eve party.
We had 11 people over the course of the hour or so I was there.
I had fun catching up, and it seemed like others did too. Discussion
topics (as I wrote them down, but not necessarily in chronological
order) included:
- Gifts and presents
- Schedules, chores, and dishwashers
- Stupid Zoom tricks
- Blur features (on Zoom and in life) and more alcohol
- Fireworks (legit and otherwise) and firearms
- Artwork and other obsessions
- Decorations
- Trees and landscaping
- Invasive species, like armadillos in the Carolinas
- NYE plans
- Movies and other things we're watching
- Actors we love and hate