Josh Josh Simon's work information

For details about my work history or the professional organizations I belong to, select one of the following links:

Employment history
U-Michigan The University of Michigan
Information Technology Division
  ATG Art Technology Group (ATG)
Convex CONVEX Computer Corporation ATG Overture Partners
at Vertex Pharmaceuticals
SBC Swiss Bank Corporation Accenture Accenture
at Morgan Stanley
Sprint Paranet Sprint Paranet
at ABN AMRO North America
Citi Citi Derivatives Markets, Inc.
Capital Markets & Banking
Collective Collective Technologies
at Motorola, at Genentech,
at Well Care, & at an options firm
U-Michigan The University of Michigan
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Other information
Awards Awards
Books All the articles, books, courses,
papers, & posters I wrote or edited
Organizations Professional organizations
References Reference material

In addition to my "regular" day jobs, I work as a poll worker or election inspector for the City of Ann Arbor since 2010, and have been a precinct chair (which is more money for more work) since 2011.

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Last update Nov04/24 by Josh Simon (<>).