Josh Play Gilbert & Sullivan

What can I say? I like G&S. I'm pretty much a purist, with the big three — H.M.S.Pinafore, The Pirates of Penzance, and The Mikado — as my favorites, but haven't disliked any that I've seen. (I've not yet seen Yeoman of the Guard or Utopia, Ltd.)

I've seen most of the shows as produced by the University of Michigan Gilbert & Sullivan Society (UMGASS). Students, faculty, and staff of the University, plus anyone else in the Ann Arbor area who's interested, can audition for roles on stage or in the orchestra, and can volunteer time to work on costumes, sets, box office, ushering, and other tasks.

The Gilbert & Sullivan Home Page has a lot of information on G&S.

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Last update Dec29/19 by Josh Simon (<>).