Table of some Sun Microsystems computer models

ModelArchCPUMHzRAMRAM ExpansionBusSlots
Sun 3/50sun3mc6802015.743rd partyn/an/a
Sun 3/60sun3mc68020202424 30-pin SIMMs: 1x9 100nsn/an/a
Sun 3/75sun3mc6802016.6716VME busVME bus2
Sun 3/100 seriessun3mc6802016.6716VME busVME bus3
Sun 3/200 seriessun3mc680202564VME busVME bus12
Sun 3/80sun3xmc68030204016 30-pin SIMMs: 1x9 or 4x9 100nsn/an/a
Sun 3/400 seriessun3xmc6803033128VME busVME bus12
Sun 4/100 seriessun4SPARC14.283232 30-pin SIMMs: 256K or 1Mx9VME bus3
Sun 4/200 seriessun4SPARC16.67128VME busVME bus12
Sun 4/310
SPARCserver 310
sun4SPARC25728 30-pin SIMMs: 1x9 or 4x9 100nsVME bus3
Sun 4/330
SPARCserver 330
sun4SPARC25728 30-pin SIMMs: 1x9 or 4x9 100nsVME bus5
Sun 4/350
SPARCserver 350
sun4SPARC25728 30-pin SIMMs: 1x9 or 4x9 100nsVME bus6
Sun 4/360
SPARCserver 360
sun4SPARC25728 30-pin SIMMs: 1x9 or 4x9 100nsVME bus12
Sun 4/370
SPARCserver 370
sun4SPARC25728 30-pin SIMMs: 1x9 or 4x9 100nsVME bus12
Sun 4/380
SPARCserver 380
sun4SPARC25728 30-pin SIMMs: 1x9 or 4x9 100nsVME bus12
Sun 4/390
SPARCserver 390
sun4SPARC25728 30-pin SIMMs: 1x9 or 4x9 100nsVME bus16
Sun 4/470
SPARCserver 470
sun4SPARC3396VME busVME bus12
Sun 4/490
SPARCserver 490
sun4SPARC3396VME busVME bus16
Sun 4/20
SPARCstation SLC
sun4cSPARC20164 72-pin SIMMs: 4x9 100nsn/an/a
Sun 4/25
SPARCstation ELC
sun4cSPARC33644 72-pin SIMMs: 4x33 or 16x33 70nsn/an/a
Sun 4/40
SPARCstation IPC
sun4cSPARC254812 30-pin SIMMs: 1x9 or 4x9 100ns25 MHz Sbus2
Sun 4/50
SPARCstation IPX
sun4cSPARC40644 72-pin SIMMs: 4x33 or 16x33 70ns20 MHz Sbus2
Sun 4/60
SPARCstation 1
sun4cSPARC206416 30-pin SIMMs: 1x9 100ns20 MHz Sbus3
Sun 4/65
SPARCstation 1+
sun4cSPARC256416 30-pin SIMMs: 1x9 or 4x9 100ns20 MHz Sbus3
Sun 4/75
SPARCstation 2
sun4cSPARC406416 30-pin SIMMs: 1x9 or 4x9 80ns20 MHz Sbus3
Sun 4/15
SPARCstation Classic
sun4mµSPARC I50966 72-pin SIMMs: 4x33 or 16x33 60ns20 MHz Sbus2
Sun 4/30
SPARCstation LX
sun4mµSPARC I50966 72-pin SIMMs: 4x33 or 16x33 60ns20 MHz Sbus2
SPARC Voyagersun4mµSPARC II60802 voyager-specific SIMMs: 16M or 32MPCMCIA Type II2
SPARCstation 4sun4mµSPARC II70/85?5 DIMMs: 8M or 32M23.33/21.25 MHz Sbus1
SPARCstation 5sun4mµSPARC II70/852568 DIMMs: 8M or 32M23.33/21.25 MHz Sbus3
SPARCstation 10Msun4mSuperSPARC I365128 DIMMs: 16M or 64M 80-60ns18 MHz Sbus4
SPARCstation 20Msun4mSuperSPARC I505128 DIMMs: 16M or 64M 60ns25 MHz Sbus4
SPARCstation 10sun4mMbusMbus5128 DIMMs: 16M or 64M 80-60ns16.6/18/20 MHz Sbus4
SPARCstation 20sun4mMbusMbus5128 DIMMs: 16M, 32M, or 64M 60ns20/25 MHz Sbus4
SPARCserver 630MPsun4mMbusMbus12832 SIMMs: 4M or 16M 80ns20 MHz Sbus +
VME bus
SPARCserver 670MPsun4mMbusMbus12832 SIMMs: 4M or 16M 80ns20 MHz Sbus +
VME bus
SPARCserver 690MPsun4mMbusMbus12832 SIMMs: 4M or 16M 80ns20 MHz Sbus +
VME bus

The RAM column is maximum supported RAM.

The Arch is the system architecture which includes things like the MMU design, various system busses, etc. Not listed here are the sun4d (Sun Enterprise servers), and sun4u (UltraSPARC) system architectures. I'll get to them one day.

Some of the systems are in a series; in particular the Sun 3/100, 4/100 and so on. There are a number of models in each category that indicate a specific system configuration; not all of them are listed here in both the interest of brevity, and because for the columns in this table, they are undistinguished.

All Sun RAM requires parity bits. Attempts to use typical non-parity PC SIMMs will fail.

Older Suns were based on the Motorola MC68000 family of 32-bit microprocessors. The SPARC is Sun's own 32-bit RISC design, with fabrication provided by various vendors. The UltraSPARC is a 64-bit processor.

Mbus Modules

ModelCPUMHz# CPUsL2 Cache
SM20SuperSPARC I331 
SM30SuperSPARC I331 
SM30SuperSPARC I361 
SM40SuperSPARC I401 
SM50SuperSPARC I501 
HS21HyperSPARC1251512K or 1MB

Ross HyperSPARC Module Nomenclature



Erik E. Fair <>
December 20, 1998